Every Child Deserves To Learn The Art Of Dance
Tuition is due on the 10th of every month by cash, check, or credit/debit card. You can make payments online through our website under the “Customer Portal”, at the studio. There is a $15 late fee for all payments made after the 10th of each month. If the studio closes due to weather you can call, email, or speak with someone at the front desk about scheduling a replacement class. We will give you a scheduled time to join another class to ensure you receive 4 lessons each month. We ask you schedule your replacement class with 2 weeks of the snow day. There will be no refunds for missed classes. A $30 registration fee is due at the time of registration for new students. Returning students registration fee is $25 and due at the time of Fall enrollment.
Pricing is for New students January 2024-May 2025 season
Tuition and private lessons are due the 10th of every month by automatic withdrawal to either a credit/debit card or ACH. Registration fee is $35 for new families, $30 for returning families due upon enrollment.
Private lessons are $35 for each 30 minute session.
For more than six classes per week, add an additional $12 per class.
Here at Branches of Dance we offer 5 fundraisers throughout the year. We want every dancer who wants to dance to have the opportunity. When you sell items to your family and friends you earn credit toward your account. Those credits can be used to pay tuition, costumes, competition fees, and more. All credit earned must be used by May 31st.